Sharing And Caring

On 6th January, 2020 a motivational lecture was organized to motivate the night college students. The resource persons were Prof. Amita Lal former Vice-Principal and Head of the Department for economic subject in N.G.Acharya D.K. Marathe College, Chembur. She is a co-ordinator of AQRC and Prof. Rama Sankhalkar, Vice-Principal and Head of the Department for Commerce subject.

Prof. Amita lal briefed the students about various modes of taking education and also emphasized the importance of taking admission in Night College as they can learn while they earn. She also asked each student to write SWOT analysis, so that each and every student will be aware of his own strength and weakness as well as his opportunities and the weakness. And also she read out the best SWOT analysis of the students to motivate other students too and explained it that, how to convert weakness into strength, to strengthen their strength, to grab the opportunity and the way to defuse the threats in their life.

Prof. Rama Sankhalkar interacted with each and every student and asked them the reason behind joining night college and to explain their motive in their life. She also asked the students to share their experience in the night college, and the reason for motivation which led them to continue their education. And they were encouraged further to continue the education with the same spirit and motivation and achieve the goal in their life.

It was followed by a prize distribution of Annual sports and cultural activities. Then the programme ended by a vote of thanks by Prof. Varun Devekar.

Overall the session was very motivating, inspiring and interactive, which gave students a chance to introspect themselves, understand their potential and an atmosphere of sharing and caring was created.
