Intercollegiate Achievement Sheel Utsav (Chess)

Students are given chance to participate in various Intercollegiate competition, so that they will get a platform to expose themselves and to nurture their skills and talents. They are being continuously motivated to perform best not only in Academic but also in all the Co-Curricular activities, so that it will lead to all round development of the students.

The management supports the students to participate in the Intercollegiate competition and also reimburses the amount, which the students spend on registration fees, travelling conveyance and also Rs.100 each is given extra for their refreshment expenses.

Being a Night College most of the students are working and continuing their studies, still they take initiative to participate in various events and most of the students come from below poverty line but still each student has unique talent in them, which needs to be recognized. Hence various efforts have been taken by the management to provide all the opportunity, which will help them to achieve great height in their life.

Name of the Event Event Held Name of the Student Participated in the Event held by Sport Name Prize
Sheel Utsav 07/01/2020 Abhishek Bhogale (FYBA) Dr. Ambedkar College Chess Got First Prize